sexta-feira, junho 27, 2008

Ainda sobre os The Savages

Cuidar dos nossos (e para terminar o post anterior sobre o filme e o que ele me fez pensar), cuidar dos nossos... daqueles que cuidaram (ou não) de nós ou dos nossos. Dois excelentes videos

Friends for life aqui

e The Sandwich Generation aqui

foi deste último que retirei estas citações:

"on a selfish level I’ve had very mixed feelings about Herb moving in with us. On that level of where you just have to do what you have to do and it doesn’t matter how it inconveniences you or how it changes your life, you just have to do it, there’s no question."

"Herb has gone into a free fall since he went into the hospital. It is very clear that the hospital does not actually really care about him. He’s very low priority because of his age, because of his condition. It’s become startlingly clear to me. All I’m thinking is get him home, get him around loved ones, make sure he eats, make sure he’s simulated. Who cares what the diagnosis is? "

"ou know, I just – I don’t know how long we will be able to handle it at home, quite honestly. I don’t know how we’re going to function, and you know, maintain our lives, you know, as he slips."

"I can totally respect and appreciate anybody who says, I don’t want to have my parent come live with me because I couldn’t handle it. I understand that. There are days where I feel that way. kind of wish this problem would just go away. "

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